Practice Areas

Kakıcı şimşek law firm provides legal services to local clients and multinational investors in all aspects of Real Estate Law including planning and structuring of ownership rights, drafting and negotiating of property-related documents such as promise-to-sell agreements, mortgage agreements, usufruct agreements, lease agreements, sub-lease agreements and real estate management agreements. We also advise clients in dispute resolution matters and urban renewal projects and furnish services to our clients in the following subjects; construction in return for flat contracts, contractual disputes of lease and penalty clauses, construction servitude and condominium, title annulment and registration suits, mortgage controversies and expropriation litigations. Attorneys of kakıcı şimşek Law Office give legal services with the current legislation and requirements of government agencies.

Kakıcı Şimşek law office provides consultancy of international standards, to its foreign clients concerning the investments, company establishments and all other kinds of commercial transactions that are performed in Turkey. Our attorneys assist companies and individual business persons on the following matters; advising on the establishment of foreign invested company in Turkey, legal registration and announcement of the company established among various kind of company types, restructuring of the company including company types changing, transfer of shares, liquidation, negotiation with local companies, drafting of agreement and providing legal services about all kind of liability of foreign investor.

Kakıcı Şimşek law office provides consulting and legal service to individuals and companies in the areas of company law, maritime law, intellectual property law, insurance law, merger and acquisitions and banking and finance law. our attorneys have knowledge and experience in New Turkish Commercial Code entered into force in 2011 and the relevant regulations and provide legal service to commercial companies for this new era .kakıcı şimşek law office practice area also includes registration of companies in the Republic of Turkey with foreign capital and assisting companies in share transfers between existing foreign and domestic shareholders.

  • Intellectual property, trademark, patent and copyright law
  • Company law
  • Merger and acquisitions
  • Contract law
  • Maritime law, air law
  • Transportation law
  • Banking and finance law
  • Insurance law

Kakıcı Şimşek law firm gives attorney and consultancy services related to any contractual relationship within the private law such as loan contract, construction contract, financial leasing, bailment contract, contract of lifelong support, rental contract etc. In addition kakıcı şimşek law firm also focus on liability and tort law. We are also carrying out advocacy and consultancy services for foreign companies, institutions, and individuals in the area of Health law, Construction and Real Estate law and Consumer Law.

Kakıcı Şimşek law firm meticulously provide legal service in all stages of investigation and prosecution of Criminal Law.

kakıcı şimşek law firm provides professional consulting services in areas of Family Law concerns such as divorce, custody, disposal of property regime, marriage contracts, paternity suit, guardianship etc. Our law firm also gives legal services in the following fields of Civil Law; person’s legal capacity to act and power of judgment, age of consent, protection of personality, absence, inheritance law issues in Family Law; ownership or tenure of real estate and securities, joint and affiliate ownership. Within the framework of the Civil Code and the Law on Foundations we provide legal services the resolution of all disputes related to foundations and associations.

  • Inheritance law
  • Law of persons
  • Foundation law
  • Association law

Kakıcı Şimşek law office provides legal consulting to national and multinational companies in the areas of competition law concerns such as prosecution of unfair competition violations, clearance of agreements, strategic alliances and other co-operative arrangements, competition issues related to agency and distribution agreements and competition rules and policy.

Kakıcı Şimşek law firm gives professional legal services to the clients in the areas of Administrative law concerns. Our attorneys have full experiment on cancellation of administrative acts and transactions. kakıcı şimşek law firm provides legal advise and services to the clients at every stage of full remedy action and constraction law area.

Kakıcı Şimşek law firm gives professional legal services to the clients in case of disputes related to public revenues such as mortar, pictures, funds, premiums, fees, taxes.

Kakıcı Şimşek law firm gives professional legal services to the clients in the areas of labor and employment and social security law issues such as workers ‘and employers’ rights, working conditions, severance, termination benefits, the termination of employment, dismissal or exit, union, fees, permits, workplace turnover, relations between Employee, Employer, Subcontractor.

Kakıcı Şimşek law firm gives professional legal services to the clients in the areas of enforcement and bankruptcy law. we are giving legal advices to aour client about applying to the competent bodies to deliver the creditor’s receivable, ensuring the collection of the receivable in the manner of related legislation, the protection of rights of the debtor under the law and the legislation, bringing an action for the settlement of disputes between the creditor, debtor and third parties, resolution of disputes arising from the credit agreement, making any kind of legal action in case of bankruptcy.